My situation is very similar to most cases. I am two weeks late on my period and still waiting. However here is some background. In july I was two weeks late and went to the dr(after taking a home test which came up positive) and he said I had a chemical pregnancy and the following week I got it the first week in august. I was a week late in september and now it is october. I am two weeks late. Should I take a home test or stick it out for another week?
Note: extremly nauseous, and my breasts are extremely sensitive
2 weeks late and waiting?globe theater
Someone else on YA! gave me this advice: Take a test, it will bug you until you know so take a test and see. It sounds like you are possible pregnant but you should take a test and then call your dr. if it's positive.
Good luck, let us know what happens.
2 weeks late and waiting?oper opera theater
its a miscarriage...
yah take a test...possibly pregnant...
Do another home test and then wait it out.
wait 2 weeks then take another test! Only buy an ept! Its the best!
Go back to see the Doctor and see what is happening.
I get nauseous before my period but to ease your mind by all means take the test instead of torturing yourself, My periods have always been screwy
Pick out a name. Go see your doctor, I am sure you are OK
you should take a test. just to be safe.
wtf is a chem preg?
Go to the doctor and get a blood test. That is more accurate than a home pregnancy test and you may talk to him about this problem. There could be something that is preventing you from carrying a baby at all. Good luck.
Wow what willpower to hold out for so long! You must be a strong woman... TAKE a test!! hehehe. Come on now I'm only 5 dpo and had what I daresay is implantation bleeding and I took a test! (Leftover from last month of course, they're always the first to go) LOL. Of course it's negative but I just couldn't resist...
your pregnant, your having morning sickness see another doctor.
Take another test and see.....
Best wishes!
Take a home test....don't be afraid to take the home test. So many people are like, should I take a home test????
It doesn't change anything and they can be wrong. But if it is positive, make a dr. appt. If not wait a week and then if no period take another.
Hello,, maybe you need to update your cycle calendar, and a couple drinks of apple cider vinegar too.
i get this... hold out for another week. i feel sick and ill before i start.. if this starts to happen alot i would go on the pill to stop this happening. but if your trying for a baby. get pregnant fast lol. and ma bey after your periods will turn back to normal. its frustrating i no and the sickness... hormones is awful.. either way try and sort it you do not have to put up with it. if you are pregnant this bleeding at your narmal period times is also normal. break through. just take another test docs are somtimes wrong!
No girl take that home preagnacy test. wutchu waiting for?
I'd first want to know if you are using any birth control at all or if you are trying to get pregnant.
A chemical pregnancy is a fancy term for early miscarriage. Just because you miscarry once, does not mean you will miscarry again. It happens to a lot of women with their first pregnancy. I have had 5 miscarriages, and 4 healthy babies too.
Being two weeks late for your period does suggest pregnancy. Get a test, and use the first urine of the morning since that has the highest hormone levels in it.
Good luck. And if you aren't pregnant, you need to see your doctor about this. If your current physician doesn't think this irregular cycle is a problem, then get a new doctor.
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