Contains one or two of these below :
1. Definition
2. Operation/Function
3. Block Diagram and Circuitry
4. Sample of technical specification(Any types of model)
Can anyone please explain for me Hi-Fi system utilization in domestic home theater ?say yes
1. A Hi Fi system is one that reproduces sound over a full frequency range of human hearing, can handle loud listening levels with very low distortion. It now also means stereo (two speakers)
2. The function of a Hi Fi system is to provide realistic sound; the ideal is that you can imagine the instruments and voices as being real and in the room with you.
3. A basic Hi Fi system consists of
a) source (record player, CD player, FM tuner, tape deck, etc.)
b) pre-amp (originally intended to amplify the weak signals from phonograph cartridges, but now used to swltch between various sources, control volume, add tone controls at miminum.)
c) main amp (has high power output to drive speakers, but usually no controls).
d) speakers
3. A typical techinical spec is very lengthy and varies from manufacturer as to what is specified. Typical specs are:
Speakers: Frequency range, sensitivity, max power and distortion at operating levels
Amplifier: Operating power output, frequency response at operating power, max THD (total harmonic distortion) at operating power and over the specified frequency response range, headroom (power capablilty for short periods over the operating power), recommended speaker impedance range.
Other components are specified mainly for function, frequency response and distortion.
Any Hi Fi system can form the basis of a home theater by adding the center and surround speakers, and using the Hi Fi speakers as the main front speakers.
Can anyone please explain for me Hi-Fi system utilization in domestic home theater ?palace theatre opera theater
Hi-Fi is an older term primarily used to describe nicer 2 channel stereo systems, and stands for High-Fidelity. High-Fidelity means Close to Original, basically saying that your system is capable of recreating something very close to the original recording. It generally isn't a feature or function of any piece of electronics, but is a term used to say "I have a really nice system" although that term is lost on most people today. I used to work for a company in Seattle Washington called "Magnolia Hi-Fi" which had been around since the early 1950's, but when the company expanded into California around the year 2000, people were coming in dressed up and asking for menu's because they thought Hi-Fi was some sort of new term for fancy food. As a result, Magnolia Hi-Fi is now Magnolia Audio-Video.
Hope this helps.
Dude, if you're asking how to utilize your hi-fi (or stereo) system for HT, simply use a digital or RCA interconnect from the "audio out" terminals on your DVD (or VHS) player and connect it to any unused "audio in" terminals on your receiver or pre-amp. Switch the "mode" setting on your stereo to the input you used, turn up the volume and enjoy your movie in living stereo.
Many if not most DVDs allow you to select (in "audio set-up") stereo, multichannel Dolby or etc.
I had a killer 6.1 channel dedicated HT system before my divorce. Now I run everything through my 2.1 channel hi fi. Wanna know the dirty little secret? I don't miss a thing.
Hope this helps.
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