Thursday, December 10, 2009

8 days late for my period...pregnant?

Got my last period December 5th.

Supposed to get this period Jan 2nd

8 days late

Not 'regular' to the date, but never this late.. if anything, i'm early. Or MAYBE a day or two late. Have been exhausted past 2 weeks. Had semi-symptoms like i was going to get my period (but i dont cramp, ever, so its hard to tell). Also, BM's have been 'rabbit like' round %26amp; hard? Sorry if TMI, but i want to give everything

When do i go get a test? Is 8 days late a normal thing?

8 days late for my period...pregnant?opera singer

It seems like a lot of women are late around the holidays. But 8 days late... you would be fine to take a test right now. Let us know how it goes.

8 days late for my period...pregnant?amc theater opera theater

I'd test asap
well i would test at the end of next week I'm very regulaer and not to long ago i was almost 15 days late on my period like i mentioned ima very regulaer down to the date but it can still happen when your body ovulates late and your period becomes late

good luck
ehhh hun its only 6 days todays the 8th

but yes test as soon as possible... try to do it in the morning though. it will more likely give you an accurate test
I was really late this month too and i thought i was pregnant I took a test and it came out negative. if you are really desperate to know take a test as soon as possible
If you aren't normally regular it could be that you're just late. My period is always random, and I was due around the 5th or so but I was feeling kind of out of it and was really tired and worn down. On a whim when I woke up one morning on the 3rd or 4th I took a test and it came out Positive. If you get those one that read a couple days before your period and take it when you first wake up, if you are preggers it might read it. Just get the pack that has like 3 in it and if it comes out negative wait a day or so and try it again.

As for getting period like symptoms, I was getting them as well and I thought for sure I was going to get my period but then it just never came. That may have been what tipped me off to get the pregnancy test. Good luck.
10 Reasons Your Period is Late



3.Change in Schedules

(Changing schedules can really throw off your body clock. This is particularly true if you go from days to nights at work or vice versa. )

4.Change in Medications

5.Being Overweight

Carrying around too much weight can hormonally shift your cycles and even stop them.

6.Being Underweight

(If you do not have enough body fat you will not have regular periods, sometimes you can eve cause your periods to stop all together. This is called amenorrhea. Typically a weight gain will help you have your periods return. This is a frequent cause of a missed period in women who work out to an extreme or are professional athletes. )


The menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman. While we say that the average menstrual cycle is 28 days long, that is not true for everyone. Sometimes our period is believed to be late when in all actuality we have simply miss calculated. If you have irregular menstrual cycles, but know when you ovulate, look for your period about two weeks after you ovulate. That may help you keep an easier track of your periods.


Peri-menopause is the period of time where you are transitioning from reproductive age to a non-reproductive age. Your periods may be lighter, heavier, more frequent or less frequent - but mostly just not normal. If you do not wish to get pregnant, be sure to continue to use birth control because you are likely to still be fertile at least some of the time.


Menopause is when you have reached the point in your life where you will no longer ovulate or menstruate. Menopause can be a natural life event or may happen surgically through hysterectomy or through chemical such as chemotherapies.

10.Pregnancy! (If your case is none of the 1-9 mentioned above you should take a pregnancy test, you can get it from target ,walmart, safeway,etc for like $20 or so )

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