Saturday, December 5, 2009

My baby always sleep late, what should I do?

my 7 months old baby not going to sleep until 12 or sometime 1 am in the morning, even he didn't take a nap that much during the day time? any sleep rountine or suggestion? and how come it very hard for him to go sleep? always wanted to play all the time?

I'm a first time mom who's working hard and got home kinda late. my mom watch him while I go work, and I take care of him when i got home, since he go sleep late he always wake up late too, he always wake up sometime around 9 or 10 am.

any sleep rountine? I do nothing in the moring too accept watch him and sleep. ( like i mention before I work at night and sleep late that why wake up late.)

serious answer only please. I just needed him to go sleep early like other baby that supposed to sleep around 8 or 9 pm.

Thank you for all answer!!!

My baby always sleep late, what should I do?home theater

Try tips from the books "The No Cry Sleep Solution"

My baby always sleep late, what should I do?comedy club opera theater

unfortuantely, babies sleep according to their own schedule. try as we might, babies rule their own world. Enjoy the beauty of your babies sleeping face - I'm sure he's adorable
At around 7 or 8 start making him wind down. If he has alot of energy then he will stay up. Take his bath and get him ready for bed at about 830 and then just let him lay down. That way he wont be full of energy and stay up long.
The best answer I can give is start putting him down earlier. I am a first time dad and we were have a similar situation. This is our nightly routine. 6:30pm we feed her, after that we let her play come 7:30pm we give her a bath put her pj's on. give her a bottle and put her in her crib. Sometimes she cries but we just let her, shortly after that she's asleep. It will take a while to get him used to the new schedule just keep to it no matter what and his habits will change.
i had a friend with a similar problem that actually took her baby to a sleep specialist it got so bad..Turned out the baby was overly tired. Instead of letting him sleep so late, you need to wake him up early. He is 7 mos old now so he's not exaclty a newborn. He still needs a lot of sleep though. Wake him at like 7.30. I know this will be hard for you. But wake him and then play hard. Have good breakfast and lunch and when nap time comes at like 12 or 12.30(whichever is good for you) then place him to bed with the usual routine .Try right after lunch with a full belly. Babies normally get sleepy then. Have a soothing sound going like a small radio in the background. Then while baby takes a nap, so can you. Then have a set time to wake baby up, say around 2. Play with baby and do all other routines. When it's time for mom to take over, explain to her, that baby needs to be put down around 7.30 or so with the normal routine for baby. If he takes his bottle to bed still, try it with water if he will. That way baby bottle rot isn't an issue. It may take awhile for baby to get routine, but my peditrician said that if you do the same thing for a least 7 times, that MOST babies will fall into this routine. Good luck to you!
lets see......warm baths before bed.soothing music,maybe your mom could lie down with him.i think somehow he is waiting up for you.
By 7:30 pm he should begin the winding down process. Meal ate, and getting ready for nice bath. Have things as quiet as you can around the house, no loud tv's at this time, no loud radios, but do play soothing music, there are tons of cd's out there for sleep, baby lullabies and such. Use lavender and chamomile at night for baths, diffuse lavender oil with cold air diffuer. This produces a relaxing atmosphere. Soft lighting, read a story while gently rocking him to sleep. Do this routine like clockwork every night, and in no time he will be on a schedule.
I too have a 7 month old son and am dealing with the same thing,its hard to get a baby on a routine,just remember that this will not last forever,it is most likely a stage he is going through.Last night my son went to bed at 10:30,tonight he went down at 8:15!!Go figure!So,I have been told by my pediatrician that it could be partly due to teething at this age as well as when they are reaching a developmental milestone their sleep patterns get thrown off.I can suggest that if you bath him in the evening try to do it about 45 minutes to an hour before you want him to go to bed and don't let him go in a saucer or anything that is going to over stimulate him before you want him to sleep.Good luck and remember this wont last!!
Here are the tips that you can use to induce far better sleep for your baby:

? When your baby naps in the day time use a well lit area – this will help keep the naps shorter and may encourage him to sleep better at nights.

? Feed your baby more during the day – this will help him meet his needs during the night so that he is likely to sleep better.

? Carry your baby more, particularly in the evenings as this keeps him relaxed which is likely to lead to a more restless transition to sleep.

? Remain flexible – if the sleep routine you are trying does not seem to be working then do not be afraid to try something new. Be alert too – where do you notice your baby sleeping well? If there is a “special place” then try and make that her sleeping place.

? Try and ensure your baby has a pleasant day – as odd as it may sound, the more peaceful your baby’s day the greater the chance that your baby will also enjoy a good night’s sleep. Some research shows that babies that are held more during the day sleep better at night – is there any way you can work this into your daily routine?


? Depending on the baby, sometimes a warm bath and massage can lull babies into sleep at night. You do need to see if this is right for her as this method can actually make some babies more stimulated. Trial and error is the way to find out.

? A blend of soothing stimuli can help your baby sleep better too. For instance after a warm bath and massage, hugging your baby and then breastfeeding her is very soothing and can help bring the onset of sleep.

? What your baby wears during sleep can also be a factor – babies in the early months are known to prefer sleeping slightly tighter (snugly wrapped in a nice baby blanket). If your baby is prone to allergies it may irritate her more during the night – when this is the case remember to use pure cotton sleepwear.

? Try and minimise the chances for physical discomforts. Things such as having a peaceful and quiet environment, ensuring that her diapers are dry and comfortable and making sure that the air is free or irritants are very important.

? The room temperature can also have a significant impact on your baby’s sleep. Apart from ensuring that the bed is suitably warm the best temperature for sleep is 70 degrees with a 50% humidity.

To get more complete guide for taking care your baby, I recommend you a good book at

Hope this helps :)

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