Thursday, December 10, 2009

Just a late period - Vs. - Pregnancy? your experiences please?

how many of you were really late on your peroid and finally got your period (and when) as opposed to how many of you were really late on your period with a negitive hpt, and later found you were pregnant? please include how many days your were late when you got your AF/ or your positive test. Thanks in advance for answering!

Just a late period - Vs. - Pregnancy? your experiences please?lyric opera

well I was 4 days late and still got a neg test on the 6 th day I retested and finally got a positive but you can stress so much you can cause your period to be late

Just a late period - Vs. - Pregnancy? your experiences please?imax theater opera theater

Well in May, I had a 38 day cycle which made me 10 days late and I finally got my period. Now, in late June, I was over 10 days late and finally took a test and was pregnant.

If you go off of birth control, your body gets all screwed up. Don't worry too much about it. The more you worry, the more you won't get pregnant.
im goin thru the same thing i was 24 days late for my period wand finally got it but only it was really llight and not normal...i tested once it was ovre adn got a neg..but i feel preg still and bcuz i think i may hav experience implantation bleedin a week b4 my actual period wsa im actually wanting to kno the same thing ur asking ..have u tested again yet sweetie

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