Thursday, December 10, 2009

17 days late pregnant?

I am 17 days late, I tested at 3 days late negative, 6 days late negative, and 9 days late negative...I will go and get my blood work done this week, but I am wondering could I be pregnant, I am not stressed at all, and my periods have been like clockwork since going off the pill 7 months ago. I don't know what symptoms to really be expecting, because everyone is different, but I have been tired lately, and cramping pretty consistantly...any opinions would be appreciated thanks:)

17 days late pregnant?oper

take one more chance with one of those early response tests. given my past you are probably not pregnant. some times after getting off the pills your whole cycle could change you may have not ovulated this month and that is why you are late if you took 3 tests then more than likely it is neg. it sounds like early pregnancy signs. but time will tell. for you I hope that you are pregnant since you are trying. if you decide to take another test use your morning pee because it is the most concentrated and has the most pregnancy hormone in it. if you are taking the tests in the day if you drank alot your urine is diluted and the test isn't picking up the hormone.

17 days late pregnant?hollywood theater opera theater

You can't really read a lot into body symptoms(cramping, tired etc) The first sign would be a positive pregnancy test. Have the blood test.
you can still get your period when you are pregnant i never tested positive til i was like 5 weeks along already
yes,you can be pregnant, the level of hgc may not be high enough for a preg test to detect.

my friend was 13 weeks when she found out..from a blood test. she never got a postive hpt.

good luck!!
take a complete medical check up

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