Thursday, December 10, 2009

Late period after taking plan B?

I did not have sex, but did fool around without protection. Took plan B to be safe and bled a week later for about 5 days and felt like a normal period. That was July 25th-30th. I should have started another cycle by now, however have not. I took a two pregnancy tests on Aug 9th (when my usualy period would start) and Aug 21st, both negative (used morning pee). I also took one Aug 28th (first response early result) and was Negative. I really dont think I am because of no sex, and a slim chance that any semen got inside of me. I am going to test again tomorrow. I have had symptoms of cramps, PMS, back hurting since Aug 24th, but no blood. If the test tomorrow morning is negative, when should I go see the doctor about why my cycle hasn't started again? Early next week? I'm under stress right now because of just graduating and looking for a job, however stress has never made me late before. Am I most likely late from the PlanB? Thanks for the help, and please only b helpful.

Late period after taking plan B?extension

First, I am proud of you for taking responsibility for your actions and taking the plan b even though there was no sex involved.

Second, plan b can mess with your cycle...throw it off a couple of days--but you still want to follow through and make sure it's just that.

Wait until your period is two weeks late (it should occur within two weeks because the plan b usually takes about 6 weeks to completely leave your system) and take another test. If it's positive, go to the doctor. If it's negative, call your doctor and let them advise you.

I know you're probably worried, but you need to be calm and just wait it out.

Hope this helps.

Late period after taking plan B?movie theater opera theater

Taking Plan B will mess up your cycle for a little bit. Since you said you didn't have intercourse and there was a minimal chance of semen getting inside, I'd say you're safe. Especially since you've taken HPT [although they're not always 100% accurate] BUT since you did bleed after taking the pill, I'm going to assume that was your period.

Especially since you're under stress, it can make it really late. Not to mention the stress is on top of taking Plan B.

However, I should think you're completely fine. My friend had to take Plan B and she bled for a few days after she took it [it was like, 4 days after and she bled for about 4-6 days.. can't rememeber] but unlike you, she wasn't under a lot of stress, which as I said before, can delay it. If you're really worried, you can call the doctor's office and at least ask a nurse or the doctor them self about Plan B and the side effects and how it effects your cycle. You don't necessarily have to go in, unless you suspect you're pregnant, but the chances of that are slim.

Good luck sweetie.
If you mess with your body's chemistry, taking anything like BC pill, plan B, or stop taking the pill, etc, you can cause a "butterly effect" that makes you bleed more / less.

I'd say that what's happening is normal and that you're not pregnant, and that in a couple months you'll be back to normal.

For example, I was a couple days late taking a BC pill, and I bled for a month straight. Then I stopped taking the BC pill, and I didn't have a period for 4 months (that was nice :))

I'm not a doctor, so someone else may have better info, but IMO, completely normally to be unbalances a little bit after taking plan B.
first of all if there was no penetration then there is no way sperm could have entered inside u, if it did then if u followed specific directions on the package u should be fine. for the pill to work effectively, the first tablet should be taken as soon as possible within 72 hours of intercourse or whatever u did. The second tablet must be taken 12 hours later. for example if u took the first at 12pm on one day then the next one should be taken EXACTLY at 12am the same day(12 hours), no earlier and no later than that! if u didnt do that, then sweetheart u are in trouble.

as for the period, the pill will mess with your cycle and u may also experience side effects like headache, nausea, abdominal pain, tenderness in the breasts, etc. just as if u had your period but with no bleeding. your period can be either earlier or later than expected depending on your cycle, but for some women it may fall 2 times in the same month for one time. check when was your last normal period in the month of june and calculate to see whether the period u had in july adds up to the 28 day normal cycle, if it does then u should be expecting another period by the first or second week of september.

word of advice! if u try something crazy next time sweetie use protection if u feel u are insecure about getting pregnant. just be extra careful:)

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