Saturday, December 5, 2009

Getting a blood test to see if you preg....?

Is it expensive to get a blood test to determine pregnancy if you don't have insurance?

I'm 4 days late. Took a HPT yesterday, came out negative. I am waiting to take my 2nd HPT ..but I don't want to take it too soon, assuming i'll prob get the same answer. I'm gonna wait and see if I reach 7 days late. How long can a cycle really go till you get your period? I think I remember doing the BD around the week of my ovulation..but i'm not positive. My mind tricks me every time!! :)

Have very mild symtoms like just get VERY hungry to the point when it feels like i'm starving atleast 6-8 times a day, i get very tired and sleep for about 12-15 hours a day, breasts are very tender. I've been preg. once before.. I had very LIGHT symptoms: getting emotional once a while, tired, MINOR cravings, angry. My mind could be tricking me to thinking I might be preg. again. But I don't remember whens the LAST time my period has been more than 1-2 days late. My cycle is usually 31 days exactly.

Getting a blood test to see if you preg....?home theatre

It's only about $25 at Planned Paretnhood, so I'm sure it's not much at any Dr.'s office.

Good luck!

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