Thursday, December 10, 2009

Late Period, Could I Be Pregnant?

I'm not exactly sure how late I am, but I'm atleast a couple weeks late. I've taken 2 pregnancy test, both negative. I know I should go get a blood test done, but I can't bring myself to do it.

I've had unprotected sex before and after my last period, using the "pull-out" method. I know, I know, not smart.

I'm 19 years old. My period has never been this late. I haven't started exercising. I'm not on birth control. I haven't changed any of my schedule or anything.

Should I be worried?

Late Period, Could I Be Pregnant?opera mini

Could be stress. The more you get stressed about your "friend" not showing up, the later it will be.

Poor diet, lack of iron, a lot con contribute to this. Call your doctor.

Late Period, Could I Be Pregnant?passions soap opera opera theater

Go see a doctor.
it could be your nerves to. but if ur not on any birth device well you aught to get checked out thats what happened to me until i took blood test then they are accurate. they said i was 10 weeks prego.
when you stress you can delay your period
Yes, you should be worried. This will kick your *** to smarten up and take care of your sexual health. Go see a doc. Then you can stop this mental torture. If you are pg you gotta know early on. You have decicions to make...if you get my drift. Time's a wastin'.
well it's possible, but if so you should be proud to be a mom!
Take another test and see a doctor.
yes.. i took 2 test 2 diffrent times and both times came back negitive guess what my son is now 10months old...

suck it up get the blood test. at least you'll have your answer.
Yes you could be pregnant because you didn't use any birth control, but it could also be a different reason why you're period is late. You should go see a doctor or get a blood test.
You do not need to be worried but you must take it seriously. You should get a blood test to be 100% sure.

I hope that it turns out to be the result that you hope, remeber if you do not want to continue with the pregnancy the earlier on with it you are , the easier it is to deal with it.
Yes you may be. But you may also not be.

Some women have problem like this when they are stressed or overly focus on worrying they are pregnant,.. some times to the point they have a false pregnancy (no baby, but their body goes through 9 months of pregnancy,.. no sex even in these cases some times either so no reason to be pregnant in the first place).

You may just skip a period because things are like that.

But if your really worried, go do the testing. If you don't care either way (if your pregnant or not) you could wait until you miss your next period and see your Doctor. But I won't say " it won't kill you to wait until your next period" because you never know (luckily science tries to prevent and help with these things).

As for "The Pull Out Method", I know you don't want a Lecture but some times guys let things slip,.. or things get out of their control,... and they don't want a Lecture either so they won't tell you anything %26gt;.%26gt;

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