Saturday, December 5, 2009

Late Period??

My Cycle is very Regular, i am now two days late. my boobs usually get sore a whole two weeks before my period which should have been 8/3, but instead they got sore on 8/1 and they got very sore immediately it usually starts off a little sore then gradually increases. i started spotting yesterday barely enough for a panty liner. i usually spot before my period not the day after it should have come. i feel like AF is coming although i am never late I have a very regular 28 day cycle. i took a pregnancy test on 8/3 but it was negative i have no other signs of pregnancy other than being late and the sore breast.

Late Period??listen to opera

you probably just have a very light cycle right now or maybe its just gonna be late because it feels like it i mean your gonna be late once in a while trust me nothings wrong and there is nothing to be worried about it happends to me too

Late Period??concert venue opera theater

pregnancy bet.
I'd say don't get your hopes up yet, honey.
What's the question?
Be a guy we get the best deal in life.
your pregnant with twins. boy and a girl. girl will have blonde hair, boy will have brown
wait a couple more days, if nothing take a pee test and call your dr. to schedule a confirmative blood test.
you need a perenencey test
well ima guy but maybe if ur gettin older ur goin into menapose maybe u should go c a doctor but ima guy
If you have had intercourse alot in the last couple of weeks or month, then that affects your period cycle. Also, if its your first time having intercourse, or first time in a long time, then that also affects your cycle. Its just how it works and its normal. But if the spotting lasts a while and then it all stops I suggest seeing a doctor or take a pregnancy test after the spotting.
go to a gynecologist, not all pregnacy tests are accurate.
Don`t worry, girl :)

Just last month the same thing happened to me! I also had some stomach aches that always occur the day before my period starts. But it did not come until three days later :S I was also a bit worried...but in the end, it came. These things just happen, I think.

If a week goes and it hasn`t come yet, I`d take a second pregnancy test.

But I think you are fine :)
Either is possible and likely. You might not be pregnant and missing your period for some other reason such as stress, diet change, illness, etc. You may in fact be pregnant, but not have enough pregnancy hormone in your urine to be detected yet. Try waiting a few more days and retest. If you are still getting a negative result and are still not getting your period - make a doctors appointment. It's really the only way to find out what is going on. Good luck.
Hi Dear, The bleeding may be implantation bleeding. *Sometimes when the egg is fertalized, it causes bleeding when it attatches, usually several days after conception. Sometimes there is not enough pregnancy hormone to pick up in the test. I would wait until you were missing for over a week and test again. If negative again, I would wait the month out, and then go see your doc!

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